
Interactive Media Brief

We where asked to create a portfolio website for ourselves to show our work to potential employers and people with the same enthusiasm towards graphic design. I decided straight away that my website would need it’s own domain and not use a sub-domain you get from free website building sites such as Wix and Moonfruit.

I’ve always been interested in web design as well as graphic design from a young age and have created a few websites in the past. I decided that I would install WordPress onto my domain sever so I could use their content management system and customise the look of my website by using free WordPress themes. I am currently using a free theme which shows my sites like a portfolio. I do plan to customise the layout more to make it more of my own, but for now this is ok.

Adam-Nelson-Design-Portfolio-WebsiteI’ve added a logo that I’m currently using for my identity with a grey background that isn’t in your face as I think it’s best to not distract the viewer from looking at your work. I have also categorised my work into student work and work so people eventually see what I did at university and then see what I’ve done during/after. Finally, I added a plug-in which shows social media link so the viewer can share my work across different social networks if they wish.

To visit my website its: – Hope you have a look!

Tonight I finished editing the video of my finished museum app. It took longer than I thought to edit but it was worth it. First of all, here are the rest of my screen developments for the end of my app.

Hull Streetlife Museum Interface Development

Screen 5: At the front counter

Hull Streetlife Museum Interface Development

Screen 6: Sweet bag review

Hull Streetlife Museum Interface Development

Screen 7: More detail view into the Milt Tray product. A screen similar to this will be made for each sweet product.

With them shown it’s now time to reveal my video which shows how my app will look if a user was to use the app in the museum. I also added a song to the video that isn’t what you’d expect but i love it and it ‘almost’ goes with the theme of sweets. Hope you enjoy it!

I’ve have finished making all of my app screens for the G. Stevens Sweet Shop exhibit at Hull Streetlife museum and decided to show how my app works best was to make a video/animation of it. This interactive museum app is a short sample of what the final user experience will look like once all my screen frames have been edited and put together.

Enjoy and look out for the finished video really soon :)

I’ve made some more user interface developments f or my interactive museum app. Below is screen 3, 4 and 5 out of eight screens. I wanted to vector each sweet image but this was going to take longer within the time frame we where given, so I settled for ‘Live trace’ in Illustrator to show how my vector sweets could look. I’m happy with how the app is looking so far. Enjoy!

Hull Streetlife Museum Interface Development

Screen 3: The sweet shop window

Hull Streetlife Museum Interface Development

Screen 4: Inside the shop, wall of shelf 1

Hull Streetlife Museum Interface Development

Screen 4: Inside the shop, wall of shelf 2

I’ve been working on my museum apps user interface design tonight. I’ve managed to vector the a basic design for first screen of the app which is the front of G. Stevens sweet shop. I added a glowing effect to the door for a user to know that it is click-able.

Hull Streetlife Museum Interface Development

Hull Streetlife Museum Interface Development

I also made tracks on the welcome page (screen 2) which introduces a user to the museum app. I wrote up some words to make the interface look realistic and informative as best I could without ‘banging on’ to bore the user.

I think I’ve made a good start with designing it so far. I know that once all the screens have been designed, I will be able to make adjustments such as choosing the right typefaces throughout, refining the colour scheme and overall attractiveness to the interface.

Thanks for reading – stay tuned for more progress! :)


I spent all last night drawing up my museum interactive iPad app ideas. Here are photos of my storyboard to see what my interactive experience involves. Like my earlier YCN post I will caption each photo to explain my app idea.

Interactive Museum App Storyboard Idea

A user opens the Hull Streetlife museum app for G. Stevens sweet shop and is shown an illustrated front of the shop. The door to the shop will have some sort of glow to it to show that it can be tapped to enter the shop.

Interactive Museum App Storyboard Idea

After entering the virtual sweet shop, a user is greeted with a welcome screen that explains what the museum app is about. A rough explanation is that a user visits various sections of the shop and adds their favourite sweet to their ‘sweetbag’ and at the end of the virtual tour a user will see a gallery of all the items they have added and learn some information they might not have known.

Interactive Museum App Storyboard Idea

This is the first screen of the front shop window where a user can explore what kind of sweets were sold in the shop. The idea is that every item can be added to a users virtual shopping cart (their sweet bag) if they add it. When a user is satisfied they will carry onto the next section of the shop.

Interactive Museum App Storyboard Idea

The next section is the inside of the shop where sweets are displayed on shelves with matching lime green wood panelling that’s in the original shop. The user is shown different sweets in jars and will pick however many sweets take their fancy.

Interactive Museum App Storyboard Idea

The next screen is the adjacent side of inside the sweet shop and is similar with the shelves and and lime painted wood but with different sweets a user can choose from.

Interactive Museum App Storyboard Idea

This is the last section of the virtual tour and is the front counter section where various chocolate bars are placed. A user will select however many bars of chocolate and then get to review what they got in the next screen. The sweet bag will begin to glow to show that it can now be clicked which takes the user to the next screen.

Interactive Museum App Storyboard Idea

This screen will appear which will show a visual gallery of all the sweets a user added to their sweet bag. On this screen a user can tap on each picture to obtain information about the sweet or something relating to G. Stevens shop.

Interactive Museum App Storyboard Idea

This is a screen that will pop up when an image in the gallery is clicked. The pop up box will show the sweet bigger, useful information and maybe also a joke or random fact to add more fun into the museum app.

And there we have it, hopefully you can get an understanding of how my museum app will work. Some things will probably be changed during my development such as text to say what to do on each screen for example.

Finally, I found some useful information about designing graphics for an iPad. Apparently my design dimensions should be 1024×768 at 72 dpi. So i’m now going to start to illustrate each screen as my target audience will be aimed at KS2 children such as some who can read ok and some who are still learning so images and some text should balance things out for that target audience.

Thanks for reading as always! :)

I’ve been looking for an iPad screen template that I can show how my museum app will look like in a real working tablet situation. After a good search I have come across the ‘iPad GUI PSD (Retina Display)’ by  Teehan+Lax which is such a great psd template that is full of custom options to really personalise the experience of showing just exactly what your iPad app will look like for real.

iPad screen psd template with retina display

iPad screen psd template with retina display

I really cant wait to be at the stage where I am showing what my museum app will look like! The next stage for me is to create a solid storyboard of how my app will work and to identify what will be interactive for users to enjoy and learn as they use the iPad app.

Stay tuned for my development :)

ipad interactive screen gestures

Touch screen gestures are used in Apple devices such as the iPhone and iPad. These simple touch gestures allow users to browse and flick through pages of content effortlessly and fast. These gestures are something I need to consider when designing my Hull Street-life museum iPad app of the G. Stevens sweet shop!

I have thought of a few loose ideas that some of the touch screen gestures could be implemented such as; the ‘Tap and Hold‘ gesture could be used when a user wants to fill up their sweet weighing scales when they find out how much it would have cost years ago for example.

Another gesture that could be used is the ‘Pinch‘ that could be used to zoom out of a close up part of the app on a particular sweet. The function would be like a ‘go back’ gesture.